Data Center Audit

Data Center Assessment, Audit & Certification
TechXact data center audit and assessment engagements cover all aspects of data center Power & Electrical, Cooling & Mechanical, Civil & Architecture, Safety & Security, IT & Telecom and all the feasible components of legacy disciplines such as ISO, TIA, ITIL, ASHRAE, LEED, CEN, CIBSE, ISAE, BICSI, BS, EN, NIST, IEEE, ETSI and much more, compiling to over 2,000 criteria across the data center ecosystem.
Comprehensive Data Center Audits, Assessments and Certifications for Application, Platform, Compute, IT Infrastructure (ITI), Site Facility Infrastructure (SFI), Site & Topology Services!
TechXact offers IDCA compliant Data Center Audit & Certification services, which encompass the entirety of application ecosystem from Site, to Site Facility Infrastructure (SFI), to Topology (Data Center Cloud), even Compute, Platform and the Application itself per IDCA guidelines and requirements. Unlike all legacy auditors, IDCA Certified auditors aim to align data centers with the business applications and Resilience, Availability, Capacity, Efficiency, Operation, Security & Safety. The holistic approach and the comprehensiveness of the TechXact provisioned data center audits and assessments make them extremely unique and effective for the enterprise helping organizations save on unjustified OpEx and unnecessary CapEx.
Before your data center is built or enters the implementation phase, you must ensure the design is completely compliant and aligned with the relevant data center standards and optimization methods.
Once your new data center has been built, you want to ensure that it has been built according to the applicable standards and data center industry’s best practices. It is a known fact that some contractors ‘cut corners’. Sometimes this is due to the immense price pressure, or sometimes they simply overlooked aspects or just delivered poor workmanship in some extreme cases. TechXact delivers a focused range of data center assessment, audit and certification services aimed at newly built facilities, which are in the commissioning phase, as well as existing facilities which are under live IT load. Often best practices from organizations such as ANSI / TIA-942, BICSI 002, Uptime’s Tiers, ISO-24762, ISO-20000, ISO-27001, European Code of Conduct, BS, ASHRAE, LEED etc. are to be taken as the basis for comprehensive data center audits. Data center tiers despite their many years of being around are too narrow and old-fashion in scale and scope to effectively address the needs of the data center stakeholder today. In the mean time, referring to all these entities at the same time and trying to sort out their differences proves unfeasible and cumbersome. The International Data Center Authority (IDCA) has done all of that and beyond. With immense research and intuition into the real needs of today’s data centers, IDCA has addressed not just the data center infrastructure but also its operation; not just its power and cooling but also the civil, architecture, safety, security, cabling, IT and telecom; not just data center availability but also its resilience, capacity, efficiency, and much more; not just for certain industries but specialized per industry; and not just good for a specific continent such as Europe or the Americas but universally and worldwide localized.
TechXact data center audit and assessment utilize IDCA’s cutting-edge Infinity Paradigm™ as the basis of its professional practices in order to save data center industry the best. The IDCA endorsed audits offer a modular approach to the total assessment of the data center. Data center operators could request for only their data center Site to be audited, or data center Site Facility Infrastructure (SFI), IT Infrastructure (ITI) Topology / DCC (Data Center Cloud), Compute, Platform, Application or all the above. Therefore, Colo owners and their ultimate clients would be interested in Site, SFI and Topology, while Managed Hosting providers Site, SFI, Topology and ITI, Virtualized Cloud providers in Compute, ITI, SFI, Site and Topology, and ASPs in potentially all 7 layers of the Infinity. With the IDCA’s Infinity Paradigm™ “data center” and the “business need” are not two distinct matters no more. Data Centers are designed, built and run to serve one thing and thing only: the need of the business and defined around the applications that sustain and warrant business continuity. This new vision and mature look into the reality of data center, how it should be defined, what it should serve and how it should be operated and assessed renders a new horizon for the data center owners, operators, end-users and professionals. TechXact elite experts, upon completing the data center audits can provide official IDCA Data Center Grade Certifications based on the revolutionary IDCA Infinity Paradigm™ framework. Data Centers Grade Levels range from G0®, G1®, G2®, G3®, G4® while G0® is the highest level of achievement, portraying the organization’s ability to eliminate all risks and posses data centers that render potentially zero (0) downtime possibilities, inefficiencies, safety and security hazards and non-compliance. Leave it to TechXact, and we will guarantee that you get what you require: a data center that meets your “business needs” and “application requirements”.
TechXact offers the following expert independent and vendor-neutral data center audits:
Data Center Grade Certification & ESRâ„ Score
Whether under data center design audit, or data center audits at commissioning stage or live data centers, TechXact data center audits will produce a full compliance report of the data center gaps and shortfalls against IDCA compliance requirements. Upon completion of each other the Site, SFI, ITI, Topology, Compute, Platform and Application each can be awarded their respected Gs (Grade Levels) and be issued certification that they are compliant with. Additionally each organization will be issued an ESRâ„ (Efficacy Score Rating) scoring the entity’s competency score in delivering the business required applications. Data center G0®, G1®, G2®, G3®, G4® certifications and grade levels will be assorted assigned for selection of the below audit modules:
Data Center ITI Design (DCID)™
Data Center ITI Build (DCIB)™
Data Center Facility Design (DCFD)™
Data Center Facility Build (DCFB)™
Data Center Site Design (DCSD)™
Data Center Site Build (DCSB)™
Data Center Node Design (DCND)™
Data Center Node Build (DCNB)™
Data Center Topology Design (DCTD)™
Data Center Topology Build (DCTB)™
Data Center Compute Design (DCCD)™
Data Center Compute Build (DCCB)™
Data Center Platform Design (DCPD)™
Data Center Platform Build (DCPB)™
Data Center Application Design (DCAD)™
Data Center Application Build (DCAB)™
When thinking of TechXact leading data center audit and assessments, as an immediate benefit to data center stakeholders, answering the following questions comes to mind:
What is the electromagnetic field (EMF) level in your data center and its impact on your data, equipment and most importantly the health of your personnel?
What is the real PUE of your data center and what are some immediately practical steps you could take to improve your data center PUE?
How can you slash your data center OpEx by 35% to 68%?
How can build your upcoming new data center or DR data center without repeating the same mistakes of the past?
How can you build more competence in your data center team?
Is your data center staff 100% safe from health hazards in your data center?
How can you improve disaster prevention, power and cooling robustness, structural reliability, safety and security effectiveness?
How can you prevent downtime in the coming months?
Do you need to consolidate your data centers? Or do you need make use and capitalize on your redundant/remote site?
Are your vendors and contractors doing what they’re supposed to?
Is your facilities (power and cooling) aligned with your IT?
How can you make your power and cooling more reliable and at the same time more efficient?
How can you improve your data center documents such as SOPs, policies and manuals?
Are your data center components technologically correct?
Are you future-proof? Ready for the next generation data center demands?
If you’d be interested to the factual answer to these question specific to your data center and your business, TechXact data center audit and assessment at any stage your data center might currently be at (design, build or live) for your data center site, data center facility and infrastructure, resilience, reliability, efficiency, capacity, safety, security and operation is your remedy. You can request for the availability of our auditors, expert specialists and our services at your location by contacting or inquire by choosing button below.